Carex stenophylla

Extremely sparse and low-growing stand of Carex stenophylla on gravelly-sandy soil at the Seedamm (Illmitz, Burgenland). This site-type, most commonly considered as typical for the species, represents in fact the most nutrient-poor conditions it can tolerate.

Since Carex stenophylla can be regarded as the (only) character species of the Caricetum stenophyllae, most of the information about the species will be provided by the contributions to this community, in order to avoid redundancy.

Research Interest

Carex stenophylla is one of the key species in the authors last years research. In Central Europe almost entirely restricted to the Pannonian Basin but rather common here, it is a species poorly understood if not misunderstood regarding its ecological niche and sociology. In fact, it provides us with several very interesting problems, which was the reason I have dealt so intensively with it.


Carex stenophylla is a member of a group of closely related species, which delimination has altered with time and space. Today, within Central Europe, there seem to be little taxonomical problems with it. It shows an variability unusual in a sedge, though (Norlindh 1960, Franz 1996). And at least one of the many stands I’ve found in Vienna may not belong to it.


Franz, Wilfried Robert (1996): Die Schmalblatt-Segge, Carex stenophylla, neu für Kärnten – Carinthia II Jg. 106, 186: 535-549.

Norlindh, Tycho (1960): Studies on Carex stenophylla Wg in Europe – Bot. Notiser 113 (1): 1–19.

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